Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sofia Sounds

Coughing, crying, sneezing, wheezing, burping, farting, breathing, sighing and my favorite Cooing.  These are the many noises Sofia has made.  When she does make these noises I truly wish I had a recorder because this, more than anything, makes her presence feel real.  When she coughs we worry about her getting a cold.  When she crys she gets whatever she wants/needs... I hope this is not a foreshadowing of her teenage years.  When she Burps, we cheer! When she farts... Laughter inevitably follows.  When she breathes, we praise God! When she sneezes, we get a glimpse of what her voice will sound like.  When she coos... all these emotions flutter at once.  The question is, If this much is felt when she makes a simple sound... what are we going to feel  Tomorrow?  What will I feel when she utters her first word?  What emotion will be felt when she says "please?"  How will we respond to her laughter?  When she screams? What about when she says... I love you!? Or the dreaded "I Do!" If sounds are the most enjoyable memories, how will we remember her first step or her first day of school, or DATE.   The problem with all this is... If I get more enjoyment with each sound which never get old, how do you capture the experiences to come!? I am so excited to find out, yet for some reason I am sad, because I still love the little things... Sofia's sounds!

- Justin

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