Thursday, January 12, 2012

Out and About with Sofia

Recently we have had some gorgeous days here in Dallas which has motivated me to get out with Sofia. Yesterday it was 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  My mom, me and Sof went to an outdoor shopping area with great botiques, restaurants, and my favorite baby store, Baby Bliss. I wrapped Sofia up in a cute kelly green Moby wrap and she was as happy as could be. Sleeping the majority of the time we were out,  and waking up just to nurse. Wraps are the greatest thing ever. Not having to lug around the carseat or a stroller and being hands free, yet having Sofia so close is a win for all!

We met some great ladies at the baby shop and I even found a potential baby sitter for when mom leaves. I am still struggling with the idea of going back to work. At first I thought for sure at 12 weeks I would be ready to work 2 days a week, but I absolutely can not fathom leaving Sof with a stranger in 2 months. Justin and I have some serious discussion to do.

On a completely different note, one of our favorite times with Sofia is her every other night bath. We have a pretty good system going, and bath her quickly, but we have found that she LOVES the bath so much that the other night we just let her sit in her little tub on the bathroom counter and watched her stare at herself in the mirror and make the cutest faces.